Call of duty modern warfare digital code ps4
Call of duty modern warfare digital code ps4

Killstreak rewards return in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare too. Crossplay is supported in all multiplayer modes except Ranked and competitive tournaments.Īctivision has also confirmed that the franchise's traditional season pass had been scrapped, enabling the company to distribute free post-launch content to all players. If you enable it, you'll need to link a Call of Duty account to form a platform-agnostic friends list, not unlike the Epic friends lists in Fortnite. For the first time in the franchise's history, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will support cross-platform multiplayer. The game is set to take place in a realistic and modern setting with events that feel "ripped from the headlines" while also bringing back familiar characters from past games in the series like Captain John Price. Forget the jetpacks, exo launchers and all the other future weaponry.

call of duty modern warfare digital code ps4

Beta codes are not platform-agnostic, and the first one you receive in exchange for preordering your copy will need to then be exchanged for the "real" code afterward on the official Call of Duty website.Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is going back to the series' roots. If you did receive a Modern Warfare 2 beta code, you will need to know which platform it's actually for. You may also want to check physical receipts from store visits, as your key could be there as well. Be sure to check the email attached to whichever retailer you purchased your game from, as that is where your code should be delivered. If you preordered a copy of the game early, you will likely receive (or have already gotten) a Modern Warfare 2 beta code. If you've gotten a beta code and need to redeem it, it's time to go ahead and do so-but it might be a little confusing if you've never done so before. Those who wish to participate in the beta's early days must do so with a beta code. Players will be able to jump in and enter the action a full month ahead of the game's retail debut on October 28. The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 beta officially kicks off on September 16.

Call of duty modern warfare digital code ps4